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Infection with Human Parvovirus B19 is the cause of “Fifth Disease”, one of the five common viral exanthems (the others are measles [rubeola], chicken pox, mumps, and German measles [rubella]). The disease is asymptomatic in about 20% of those infected.…

Herpes Infection

There are actually several “herpes” viruses. What is commonly called “genital herpes” is an infection caused by one of two herpes viruses, either Herpes simplex virus I or Herpes simplex virus II……both abbreviated as HSV. Both of these viruses may…

Preconceptional Health Care

If you have decided to get pregnant, consult your health care clinician about your overall health status. Make certain you tell her/him you are considering pregnancy. A preconceptional evaluation should include a complete physical examination, complete history (including your family…

Does Exposure to Computer Terminals Harm Your Baby?

Computer terminals are the TV-like monitors that display the words and picture from your computer. These screens are also known as video display terminals (VDTs) and cathode ray tubes. In the early days of television, TVs emitted some forms of…


There are things in this world which you should avoid if you are planning a pregnancy. A teratogen is a substance or condition which can cause a birth defect. There are relatively few, known teratogens. Not all birth defects are…

Child Abuse

Abuse begats abuse….. abuse may span generations in a family……..however, your history does not have to be your legacy. If you are the victim of physical, emotional, or sexual child abuse, you should consult your health care clinician. Professional guidance…

Iron – Preparing for Pregnancy

Iron is a crucial building block for healthy blood. Studies done in the 1950’s showed that the majority of menstruating women had little to no iron stores. This is probably due to the fact that menstrual blood contains much of…

Rh Sensitization

A woman with Rh-negative blood who becomes pregnant by an Rh-positive man creates the possibility of having a Rh-positive fetus inside a Rh-negative mother. In rare circumstances, if the blood of the fetus mixes with the mother’s blood (they’re not…


Anemia is a condition in which the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is reduced. Almost all living creatures on earth require oxygen to sustain life. In humans the blood is responsible for carrying oxygen to the cells of the body.…

Medical Problems During Pregnancy

Many of the problems discussed above do not cause serious health risks for the pregnant woman and her unborn baby. The problems discussed below may be associated with poor outcomes for the mother and/or baby.