Author: admin

The Postpartum Visit

The health care for your pregnancy which you began many months ago will end with a last postpartum visit to your doctor or midwife. The purpose of the visit is to assess your physical recovery, your beginning efforts at parenting,…

Birth Control

Hopefully, you have discussed birth control options prior to this point. Ideally, you should know what method of contraception you will use long before you need it again. Breastfeeding does offer some contraceptive effect, but not a reliable one. (WHAT…

Health Care After Your Pregnancy

You should have the opportunity to stay in close contact with doctor or midwife in the week or two after the birth. Although most of the significant complications of labor and birth occur in the first few hours after birth,…

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

SIDS is the unexplained sudden death of an infant (under one year of age). Although there are several theories, no one is certain why SIDS occurs. In the U.S., there are one or two SIDS cases for every 1,000 live…

Diaper rash

Diaper rash is the result of the breakdown of the outer layer of skin. The moisture and compounds in urine and feces penetrate and soften the skin causing it to lose its protective toughness. This makes it much easier for…


Any way you look at it, diapers stink. You can buy cotton diapers, make your own, rent them, or buy disposables, but you still have to change them. And frequent changing of diapers is the key to a healthy baby’s…


This is probably a good place to discuss colic. Simply stated “infantile colic” is a state of irritability in babies, exhibited by unconsolable crying and sleeplessness. The colicky baby continues to cry even after the diaper is changed, food has…

If You Don’t Breastfeed

Babies who are not breastfed should eat only infant formulas (fortified with iron), with the introduction of age-appropriate solid foods beginning at 4-6 months of age. Cow’s milk as purchased in the liquid form from the dairy case at the…

Pumps and Supplemental Systems

The breast pump can be an invaluable tool to all breastfeeding mothers. Unless you have the luxury of spending every moment with your baby or you intend to supplement with a formula, you will need a good pump. Prices start…

Getting Started with Breastfeeding

Instead of attempting to present a complete treatise on the art and science of breastfeeding, this discussion is intentionally lacking in scope. If you chose to breastfeed, it is too important to entrust your preparation to a website or even…